"Friend Request"
In Pastor Garry’s sermon this week titled “Friend Request”, he made an interesting statement. “Jesus isn’t interested in just making believers or just making converts. He’s interested in making disciples.” Jesus challenged Matthew. Confronted with a fork in the road, Matthew had a deciding moment in life when a major choice was required. He had to choose whether his life would revolve around making money or revolve around pleasing and obeying Jesus.
Pastor went on to ask two very bold questions: What or who is the focus of your life? What or who does your life revolve around? We know what Matthew’s answer was. He choose Jesus. Jesus explains in Matthew 28: 19-20 what a disciple’s commission was: “19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
Today we live in a world of uncertainty. What is your focus right now? What is your life revolving around? Are you choosing to share the message of Jesus to people around you? As believers we are at a fork in the road. God has created rich soil for us this very day. Will you choose to be an influencer for Jesus by planting seeds of resurrection, forgiven sins & salvation?
This coming Sunday, Pastor will be sharing how the Resurrection changed everything. In God’s goodness and by His grace through Christ’s resurrection our position changed. Trusting in Christ changes our status to “Verified”.